Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My broken Finger/Jacob Experience

(repost from my other blog)

When Jacob wrestled with God, he grew immensely spiritually, but left with a broken hip. I went to the conference, growing in LOVE for God, and receiving his love and a finger broken which is still skew to this day. Why did I break my finger and why is my finger skew? Well, firstly our combi/minivan we drove, had one missing seat, the one where you would normally push forward to get to the back seats, that one was missing. So I sat in the third row (the missing seat being the second row) and kept sitting after many caution comments from the rest, and slight falling forwards, I kept forgetting and sitting on the same spot. Secondly our Drivers (they were great considering the circumstances) were not used to driving automatic, so would always stop abruptly, and no. 3 In South Africa an orange robot/traffic light (lol another funny southafricanism,that gets strange looks when you forget that the rest of the world doesnt know what you mean at the Robot turn left, and I laugh if I think maybe they are imagining big silver Robots, because thats what I am saying.) means slow down, red means stop. In Australia, Orange means stop and everyone seems to know exactly when the robots going to go orange, so everytime it turns orange, our drivers slam the breaks. (to avoid an accident)... So on one of those occasions, the last day of teh conference we were on our way there, and our driver slammed the breaks, and I flew from the 3rd row and hit the first rows back, and put my hand out to break my fall and not break anything else... I felt a little pain and my finger started going stiff, and with 2 nurses in our team they just looked and said its ok, and christine snapped it in another direction, it not making a difference but she saying it will be ok, within an hour, at the conference, we split in different directions, my finger is now twice the size and bloody inside, blue, red and blackspots, I could see in my finger, again the pain was as if I bumped my hand hard, but not unbearable which I thought is how breaking a finger feels, During the worship I clapped my hands, just avoiding that finger, (it was paining, like a pulsing kind of pain, but again, if I could continue and clap my hands surely its not serious so I thought I'd wait and see what happens) aftewards I went to the loo and bumped into an asian girl who I just asked to look at my finger, asking her Do you think it's broken? She was also shocked by the way it looked, but said well if it's not paining then it's not broken. Eventually the swelling came down and about a month later back in SA, having totally forgotten about my finger one morning I look at my finger and it is skew, leaning to the opposite side. I then decide to go to the doc and he confirms that it could be broken and already grown healed. cause you apparantly have to come for it to be in casting, in 2 - 4 weeks. He calls the other doc to just confirm his suspician and they both say yes, and if I want my finger to be straight I would need to have it rebroken again. My doc also reminded me that pain is not the only sympton of broken fingers, or any sickness. And now I have to remember if you taking chemotherapy drugs to walk normal and painfree, of course things wont hurt (same with period pains, i always wonder how come eveyrone around me is cramping and then I remember oh yes, I dont feel pain the way others do, also I have lots of blue marks that i wonder about, same thing, when I bumped myself it was actually harder than what it felt). So Yes I went all the way to Australia to break my finger. The fall was also pretty funny, The others told me the car stopped and they were all still in the seats, but I was flying forward,lol. welcome to my world!

Broken Finger

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